Opening Hours

Mon - Fri : 07.00 AM - 07.00 PM

Accident and Incident Policy


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that if an accident occurs in Learn and Fun ECC appropriate action is taken, and accurate information is recorded and communicated. An accident is defined as an occurrence that has resulted in an injury to one or more persons.


The ECC will take all necessary steps to ensure no accidents take place. However, in an unlikely event of one, every staff member needs to ensure that accidents and injuries are dealt with in a timely manner and recorded in the incident record form.

It is the responsibility of staff who have administered first aid to inform the Manager, to write the accident report and ensure that it is signed by the parent of the child.

The first aid box is checked and restocked on a regular basis.

Minor Injuries

For all minor injuries, the first aider will address the injury and fill the incident report form. This will be signed by the witness, manager and the parent too.